Harumi Shares Her Journey Through the Years with Gaper.io
Harumi Urata-Thompson was recently interviewed in a live podcast by Gaper.io about the way in which her professional career took unconventional turns over the years. For Harumi, these lead to trailblazing in the corporate sphere and ultimately, to entrepreneurship. Also archived on YouTube as a video, Harumi’s interview is freely available for viewing by anyone interested in making career shifts.
Gaper.io is a Pakistan-based provider of remote software engineering talent, with specialization in preparing and vetting the top 1% of full-stack engineers that global firms are looking to hire. Full-stack developers are proficient in both the front-end and back-end languages and frameworks, as well as in server, network, and hosting environments.
HUT Consulting Discusses AI at the Annual Small Law Firm Symposium
HUT Consulting was invited to discuss on the topic of artificial intelligence s at the Annual Small Law Firm Symposium at the New York City Bar. The symposium is organized to offer invaluable guidance in growing and managing the practice and the panel focused on the current issues, how advances in technology and machine learning will affect law firms and what the risks are for the practice.
The Top 3 Most Powerful Technologies Driving Economic Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution, Part II—The True Power of Using Combinations of Multiple Technologies
As a follow-up to Part I, which introduced the 3 most powerful technologies driving economic growth in the fourth industrial revolution, HUT Consulting published Part II on Medium.
In Part I, we described how in the fourth industrial revolution — driven in part by the mainstream adoption of the smartphone — there has been explosive proliferation of massive datasets or “Big Data”. We described what’s behind the top three most powerful enablers: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. These technologies leverage and capitalize on Big Data.
In Part II, the concept of “employing a combination of AI and Blockchain [which] can be a truly powerful way of enabling the amplification of the economic benefits” is introduced. We conclude, “At this stage, with what we know today, we’d put a stake in the ground that the fourth industrial revolution will follow the trend and become a faster and greater economic expansion than the previous ones. This economic reality could be just around the corner.” Read more here.
This article is part of Tokyo FinTech publication series.
The Top 3 Most Powerful Technologies Driving Economic Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution, Part I
HUT Consulting published an article with Part I about the top 3 most powerful technologies driving economic growth in the fourth industrial revolution.
In today’s fourth industrial revolution, driven in part by the mainstream adoption of the smartphone, there has been explosive proliferation of massive datasets or “Big Data”. In actuality, there are more than a handful of emerging technologies enabling the fourth revolution, all of which have advanced very quickly in only a few years. In the article, we describe the top three most powerful enablers: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. Interestingly, these leverage and capitalize on Big Data. Read more here.
This article is part of Tokyo FinTech publication series.
AI Impacts Our Lives – What Do We Need to Keep in Mind?
Harumi Urata-Thompson conducted a webinar presentation tackling AI issues head on. As modern economies increasingly rely on artificial intelligence (AI) to make lives more effective and predictive, we explore qualitative obstacles to and solutions for developing unbiased and issue-free AI algorithms.
HUT Consulting Presentations
June 7 – Blockchain event for BYOBIZ
End of May – AI event for Harness All Possibilities
May 18 – Blockchain Center Tech & Investment Summit (https://www.blockchaincentersummit.com/)
May 16 – Blockchain Presentation to NYC Startup Academy
May 8 – Quesnay Blockchain in Financial Service Tech Talk
HUT Consulting, and a panel of all women, contributed and presented on the subject of bias in AI to a packed room on April 9, 2018.
An HUT Consulting organized artificial intelligence (AI) tech talk event for the innovation organization Quesnay on March 26, 2018.
HUT Consulting Presentations
May 16 – Innovation presentation (Blockchain)
April 4 – Blockchain panel
March 27 – AI in investment management, fireside chat
AI Roundtable Discussion at Navigant
What do we need to be thinking about in order to make business using AI as consultant? HUT Consulting was asked to present some of the recent develop and ideas to the Navigant consultants