August 27, 2020 – “SEC & Mom and Pop Investors? Nodes on CODA” Podcast with Matthew Aaron

“SEC & Mom and Pop Investors? Nodes on CODA” Podcast with Matthew Aaron

Listen to Harumi Urata-Thompson and Matthew Aaron as they talk about “mom and pop” investors and the CODA “lightweight” blockchain protocol on his podcast show, The Decrypt Daily: Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Podcast. Matthew Aaron, Editor-in-Chief of CRYPTO 101 Media, is an advocate for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. He is focused on educating the average consumer to the benefits and real-world applications of blockchain technology.

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June 4, 2020 – Blockchain Panel: Modern Stores of Value and the World Economy

HUT Consulting on Blockchain Expert Panel, “Modern Stores of Value and the World Economy”

With blockchain’s underlying technology still so young, there remains a lot of room for innovation and improvements. Subjects discussed in the webinar varied from financial trading to legal & compliance across to marketing communications and technology. These areas were focused around addressing big questions like:

Are cryptocurrencies really acting as stores of value?

What can we do to bring more transparency?

What’s the “it” that will push this technology and investment vehicle into mainstream?

Presenting alongside Harumi Urata-Thompson were respected peers Bryan McGurk, investor and writer experienced in non-profit sector and legacy market trading, Xenia Vyazemskaya, co-founder of It Takes Two content marketing and PR firm for startups in fintech and digital assets, and Manny Alicandro, NYC attorney and former candidate for New York Attorney General and NYC Public Advocate.

The online event was hosted by the Blockchain Center and Bitcoin Center NYC, with special thanks to Anna Ginzburg, Nick Spanos and Scott Spiegel.

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April 23, 2020 – Delivering Cybersecurity Learning to the LairEast NYC Startup Community

LairEast NYC Craving for Cybersecurity Learning Satisfied by HUT Consulting

Harumi Urata-Thompson delivered cybersecurity knowledge that was especially in demand in a post-COVID-19 world to the highly engaged (and engaging) Lair East community.

While presenting the cybersecurity topic itself isn’t particularly unique, given the pandemic, these are by no means ordinary times, and new things develop day by day.  Harumi talked about the heightened importance of protecting our digital assets and securing the work-from-home environment by better understanding what exactly we’re facing.

HUT Consulting thanks Cyber Dacians for contributing content to the presentation.

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November 8, 2019 – HUT Consulting Discusses FinTech and Blockchain for the Lawyers

November 8, 2019 – HUT Consulting Discusses FinTech and Blockchain for the Lawyers

HUT Consulting was invited to speak on a panel at the “Fintech 2019: A Regulatory Overview of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Digital Coins & Tokens” event at the New York City Bar.  The panel topic was Ethics of Bitcoin and ICOs Enforcement. 


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September 21, 2019 – The Top 3 Most Powerful Technologies Driving Economic Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution, Part I

The Top 3 Most Powerful Technologies Driving Economic Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution, Part I

HUT Consulting published an article with Part I about the top 3 most powerful technologies driving economic growth in the fourth industrial revolution.

In today’s fourth industrial revolution, driven in part by the mainstream adoption of the smartphone, there has been explosive proliferation of massive datasets or “Big Data”. In actuality, there are more than a handful of emerging technologies enabling the fourth revolution, all of which have advanced very quickly in only a few years. In the article, we describe the top three most powerful enablers: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. Interestingly, these leverage and capitalize on Big Data. Read more here.

This article is part of Tokyo FinTech publication series.

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May 22, 2019 – Bridging the Gap Between Secondary markets and Blockchain

Bridging the Gap Between Secondary Markets & Blockchain

Blockchain Innovation & Networking Club and Fintech Connector hosted an evening where select group of subject matter experts provided their insights on everything from the sentiment and role of secondary markets in today’s industry.  HUT Consulting was invited to take a part of event.  The evening was filled with active discussion.



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May 11, 2019 – 2019 New York Block Plus Summit

2019 New York Block Plus Summit

BitMart Labs hosted the 2019 Block Plus Summit during the blockchain week, bringing together the elite of the blockchain industry from top entrepreneur, exchange platforms, advisory firms, and law firms where everyone shared their insights into STO and HUT Consulting was provided an opportunity to discuss the secondary trading challenges.



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March 18, 2019 – Blockchain & the Bahamas: “Raising the Bar”

Blockchain & the Bahamas: “Raising the Bar”

HUT Consulting was once again retained to organize and moderate the blockchain conference for The Central Bank of the Bahamas and delivered it to the room full of people and many more listening in on webcast. The Governor John Rolle and Hon. Kwasi Thompson of the House of Prime Minister opened the day with powerful statements. Joel Telpner then provided the global view of the technology, followed by Julian Rolle, Damian Blackburn, Eardley Grant, Andrea Pike and Trevor Turnquest‘s panel that represented various industries tackling many difficult questions.This was also featured by several media.


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February 28, 2019 – Blockchain in Japan: World Leader or Falling Behind?

Blockchain in Japan: World Leader or Falling Behind?

This event was organized to inaugurate Asia Decrypted: NYC Blockchain Meetup Series to educate the New York community what is going on in Asia.  HUT Consulting was asked to present the Japanese market and compare it with the US market.


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January 31, 2019 – Cryptocurrency in Asia at NYC City Bar

Cryptocurrency in Asia at NYC City Bar

Cryptocurrency in Asia is extremely active but regulatory-wise, a very different scene from the US and for the practitioners who get involved in the business need continuing education to stay up to date.  HUT Consulting was invited to provide insight into different jurisdictions’ cryptocurrency trading.


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